woensdag 9 juni 2010

Rapport van CLIR over gevolgen digitalisering

De Amerikaanse organisatie CLIR (Concil on library and information resources) publiceerde een interessant rapport: papieren versie 25 dollar - electronisch gratis, via http://www.clir.org/pubs/abstract/pub147abst.html over de pro's en con's van grootschalige digitalisering. Ook kostenaspecten komen aan bod. Wat kost het behoud van een papieren boek, etc. Ben energie als argument nog niet tegengekomen.
"Even if 90 percent of all research materials become available digitally, libraries will likely still need to maintain at least a small collection of print materials, as well as provide access to materials housed in shared print repositories. Not every book is well suited for an electronic format. Art and design books, artists’ books, children’s books, and even programming manuals still seem to work better in tangible, physical formats. Dee Magnoni of the Olin College of Engineering makes a persuasive case that “print is critical” (Spiro 2009o). For instance, Olin has an extensive collection of art and design books that simply would not work as electronic books (including one called Spoon that features a cover made out of metal and shaped like a spoon)." (pag 14)
"It is doubtful that libraries will be able to sustain the workflows involved with creating the highest-quality catalog records for their resources." - pag 37

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